Green­world Pre­mium In­door Plant Fer­ti­lizer, 300 ml
High qua­lity sub­strate with nu­tri­ents and trace ele­ments like iron and man­ga­nese Spe­cial for all green and flo­we­ring in­door plants In 300 ml bottle with handle and in­for­ma­tive label
This fer­ti­lizer has been ad­justed to the re­qui­re­ments of fo­liage and flo­we­ring in­door plants. Nu­tri­ents like ni­trogen, phos­phorus and po­tas­sium are com­pleted by es­sen­tial trace ele­ments and sup­port strong growth and rich flo­werage. Fer­ti­lize du­ring gro­wing season re­gu­larly each week half a clo­sing cap dis­solved in 5 liter water.
Green­world Com­plete Garden Fer­ti­lizer BLUE PLUS, 1,2 kg
Uni­versal fer­ti­lizer with low-grade chlo­ride for ve­ge­ta­bles and de­cora­tive gar­dens With va­luable trace ele­ments. Acts im­me­dia­tely and ef­fec­tively Packaged in a ro­bust and stable ma­te­rial
Green­world Com­plete Garden Fer­ti­lizer BLUE PLUS en­sures high har­vest, lush flo­we­ring of bed­ding and or­na­mental plants, he­althy fruit and ve­ge­ta­bles. This com­pound fer­ti­lizer is a com­bi­na­tion out of im­portant nu­tri­ents and va­luable trace ele­ments and easy to handle. Due to plant spe­cies and type of cul­ti­va­tion you can apply fer­ti­lizer per hand or spreader.
Green­world Slow re­lease Lawn Fer­ti­lizer, 1,2 kg, 3 Kg
High-grade gra­nules enough for 60 to 120 m² lawn Even nu­tri­tion with im­me­diate and slow re­lease ef­fect Ap­proved packa­ging
Green­world Slow-re­lease Lawn Fer­ti­lizer is cha­rac­te­rized by im­me­diate and slow-re­lease ef­fect. A quarter of the ni­trogen con­tent pro­vides long-term fer­ti­li­za­tion and sup­ports lawn growth for 2 to 3 months. Ad­di­tional iron boosts in­ten­sive green color of your lawn. Fer­ti­li­za­tion in early spring du­ring March and April helps to de­velop fresh green and hard-wea­ring pat­ches. Ano­ther app­li­ca­tion in late summer (Au­gust to Sep­tember) win­te­rizes your lawn, pre­vents fungi growth and tur­ning yellow. An extra fer­ti­li­za­tion can be re­com­mended in summer if your lawn has been re­ally stressed.